Fiberglass pool installation

Invest in the comfort and prestige, that your own fiberglass pool provides. Discover how simple and enjoyable the process of realizing your dreams can be. A fiberglass garden pool is synonymous with luxury and comfort, and its assembly is extremely quick and easy. See how quickly your dream pool will become a reality. See what the assembly looks like step by step.

fiberglass pool installation - excavation

1 Excavation

The first stage of the work is making an excavation in accordance with the design dimensions of the fiberglass pool, taking into account the space for filling with dry concrete. The dimensions of the excavation should be larger than the dimensions of the fiberglass pool by about 30-50 cm on each side. The depth of the excavation must take into account the thickness of the foundation slab and the insulation layer.

2 Groundwork

At the bottom of the excavation we make a 12 cm thick foundation slab, which provides a stable base for the fiberglass pool. The slab is made of B20 concrete reinforced with reinforcing mesh.

fiberglass pool installation - a foundation slab

3 Styrodur

After preparing the foundation slab, we put a layer of styrodur (XPS) 3-5 cm thick. Styrodur provides thermal insulation and protects the fiberglass pool from heat loss and potential unevenness of the slab.

4 Set the pool

The fiberglass pool is gently placed on the prepared foundation slab. This work is best done using appropriate equipment, such as a crane, to avoid damage to the structure. After the polyester pool is placed, the leveling should be checked and appropriate corrections should be made if necessary.

fiberglass pool installation - sprinkle

5 Pouring water

The first stage is filling the fiberglass pool with water to a height of approximately 20 cm.

6 Pool backfill

The final stage of the polyester pool assembly is to fill the space around the pool with dry concrete, which provides stability and additional protection for the structure. Fill the space around the sides of the fiberglass pool with a sand and cement mortar (4:1 ratio) until the mortar level is the same as the water level. Then carefully pour water onto the mortar to adjust it to the shape of the pool. When backfilling the sides of the fiberglass pool, the water level should be slightly higher than the mortar level. The concrete cannot be mechanically thicken. The pool steps should be supported with concrete blocks.

fiberglass pool installation - finishing

7 Next water level

Pour the next 20 -25 cm of water into the pool.

8 Repeat steps 6 and 7

Repeat steps 6 and 7 until the swimming pool is completely filled with water. After that the fiberglass pool installation is finished.

fiberglass pool installed